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28mm wide angle video

So I finally fronted up the cash for a tripod on the weekend, after weeks of indecision. I ended up going for the Manfrotto 701HDV head with 755XB legs. I’ll post a full review here soon, with lots of pretty pictures, but for now I’ll just say that it is a thing of Italian beauty. Rock solid still shots, perfect pans.  I can tell this baby is going to do a lot of miles over the next few years.

Also obtained in the last week was a new wide angle lens for the twoneil adapter, which is actually the point of this post.  Having used the twoneil with a 50mm lens for the last 6 months, overall I find the ‘closeness’ of the 50mm a little restrictive. In general I don’t like getting too close to things, or rather, I like keeping my distance. With the 50mm lens I could never get far enough away to improve the scope of my shots. Great for close ups and depth of field, but I was itching to practice my shot composition a little more.

Hence I purchase a 28mm 2.8 AIS Nikkor wide angle lens, second hand off ebay. Why AIS? Well mostly because from what I have gathered from various opinion leaders across the web, AIS lens’ are generally better constructed than some of the newer plastic ones. It ended up cheaper purchasing a second hand AIS lens than sourcing a brand new one – AIS lenses also tend to be quite hard to come across, though regularly pop up on ebay.

Anyway, with new tripod slung over my shoulder I headed out on Sunday morning to take some shots, the below video is the result.

Overall I’m really pleased with the new scope the wide angle has opened up, and so far the increase (decrease?) in aperture (1.8 to 2.8) hasn’t had any noticeable effect. I will say that this is also the first video to use the twoneil plus attachment (ie achromat) which seems to have done a really good job of crisping up the edges of the picture and pretty much eliminating vignetting. Compared to the crisp video below, my previous videos look very muddy.

I’m also using HDV50i mode with shutter priority set to 125.  Switching between this and 25fps + cinemode I witnessed a noticeable drop in colour and vibrancy and hence I thought I would give it a go on the new setting. I like the result. It’s much crisper, and personally I can’t see much difference in “movie” like texture. That could of course be because I don’t have many closeups of people. Give it a go and see if you like the results.

Hope you enjoy. Review of tripod coming soon.

P.S. Oh and yes, I finally figured out how to embed vimeo videos into wordpress.

Check out my latest videos at: http://www.vimeo.com/user492981/videos

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. June 19, 2009 at 2:10 am

    Do you know how the Nikkor wide angle lense compares to the Raynox 6600?

  2. September 21, 2009 at 2:16 pm

    Hi –
    My name is Kirsty and I am casting a TV program looking for film makers – we found your blog and videos on line- this was the only way I thought I could contact you?
    ANyway, here is the blurb- let me know if you decide to apply:

    My name is Kirsty de Vallance and I am casting a new TV series for one of the major TV production companies.

    I was hoping you could pass this on to your network?

    Fancy yourself as the next Tarantino, Scorsese or Spielberg?
    Love to travel and think creatively?
    Always thought you should be on TV?
    If the answer is yes then we want to see and hear from you!
    An exciting new opportunity exists for dynamic, passionate and creative filmmakers and videographers to showcase their talents to a massive Australian audience and maybe snare themselves a once-in-a-lifetime prize.
    All you need to do is put together a short, compelling video (2 minutes approx.) that dynamically illustrates who you are, where you come from and what sets you apart. Show us why we should choose you to embark on the filmmaking adventure of a lifetime by utilising your fresh, unique thinking and shooting skills.
    We’re looking for entertaining, original yet accessible stories … exactly how these are presented is entirely up to you! If you’re successful, then the world could be your oyster!
    We are looking for individuals or teams of two who are the full production package. We’d prefer you write, star, shoot, edit and deliver your vision without any other person assisting you. Your films can feature performances or interviews from third parties if this is a style you choose to explore.
    What are you waiting for – grab your camera, get thinking and GO!
    Applications must arrive no later than 2nd October 2009. To enter, you must be at least 18 years of age. You will need to complete this application form and attach your completed video at the same time, so please have a look at the application form, but do not submit your application until you have your video read to upload.
    Go to: http://www.acastofthousands.com.au/film/ for application

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